역사문헌 색인집 검색

21,970개의 색인이 있습니다.

다시 검색
No 색인명 출처 페이지 복사
21100 게일(James S. Gale) The Korea Mission Field 1936. 9(190)
21099 게일(James Scarth Gale) The Korea Mission Field 1937. 3(63-64)
21098 게일로드 양(Gaylord,Edith) Minutes of The Korea Woman's Conference of The Methodist Episcopal Church (1903-1929) 1925(31,40);1926(34)
21097 게조제국대학 The Korea Mission Field 1941.4(53)
21096 겐죠 부인(Genso) Minutes of The Korea Woman's Conference of The Methodist Episcopal Church (1903-1929) 1926(70)
21095 겔 포니(Kel Poni) Korea Field 1904.5(162)
21094 겜블 부인(Gamble,F. K.) Minutes of The Korea Woman's Conference of The Methodist Episcopal Church (1903-1929) 1905(29);1906(41);1911(8)
21093 겨울농사학교 The Korea Mission Field 1930.4(86)
21092 격치 죠션크리스도인회보 1-221
21091 격치서 죠션크리스도인회보 1-017
21090 격치학 죠션크리스도인회보 1-221
21089 견목리(Kyunmokni) The Korea Mission Field 1933.3(28-62)
21088 겸이포교회 기독신보 1920.6.16(3-394);1922.2.15(4-488);1922.4.26(5-28);1926.3.10(8-74);1926.3.31(8-98);1926.7.14(8-218);1926.8.11(8-250);1926.8.18(8-258);1926.12.1(8-378);1926.12.22(8-402);1927.1.12(8-428);1927.3.9(8-492);1927.4.20(9-12);1927.8.17(9-144);1927.9.21(9-184);1928
21087 겸이포교회 기독신보 1931.1.14(12-161;162);1931.4.22(12-305);1933.3.22(14-163)
21086 겸이포장로교회 기독신보 1930.4.16(11-303);1934.2.14(15-14);1934.4.11(15-74);1934.12.5(15-351);1935.1.23(15-418);1935.2.20(15-448);1935.4.24(15-527);1935.6.5(16-5);1935.6.19(16-18)
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